Permanent makeup aftercare advice:
You will be given a very detailed post-care guide after your permanent makeup treatment.
Please find general guidelines below:
Straight after the procedure colours will look darker and brighter than you may have expected, but the colour will fade within 1 to 2 weeks as the skin heals. It may also take up to 6 weeks to see final results and colour may continue changing its intensity as skin continues to heal. Sometimes colour may even seem to dissapear during the healing process, and then come through again by the time skin heals completely within 6-8 weeks.
For 2 to 7 days after the procedure, the area may experience the following:
Flaking, dryness, itching, swelling, redness, soreness.
Swelling can be reduced by placing an ice pack on the treated area for 10-15 minutes every hour.
Let any flaking or scabbing exfoliate naturally. Picking, rubbing or scratching the scabs can cause scarring, infection, and poor pigment retention! Try to sleep on your back until scabbing comes off in order to prevent rubbing the area against the pillow.
Useful links:
How to look after your permanent makeup
What my brows will look like whilst healing?